最近线上的一个项目遇到了内存泄露的问题,查了heap之后,发现 http包的 dialConn函数竟然占了内存使用的大头,这个有点懵逼了,后面在网上查询资料的时候无意间发现一句话
结果发现,正是我认为的不可能的goroutine泄露导致了这次的内存泄露,而goroutine泄露的原因就是 没有调用 response.Body.Close()
最近线上的一个项目遇到了内存泄露的问题,查了heap之后,发现 http包的 dialConn函数竟然占了内存使用的大头,这个有点懵逼了,后面在网上查询资料的时候无意间发现一句话
结果发现,正是我认为的不可能的goroutine泄露导致了这次的内存泄露,而goroutine泄露的原因就是 没有调用 response.Body.Close()
How do I know whether a variable is allocated on the heap or the stack?
From a correctness standpoint, you don’t need to know. Each variable in Go exists as long as there are references to it. The storage location chosen by the implementation is irrelevant to the semantics of the language.
The storage location does have an effect on writing efficient programs. When possible, the Go compilers will allocate variables that are local to a function in that function’s stack frame. However, if the compiler cannot prove that the variable is not referenced after the function returns, then the compiler must allocate the variable on the garbage-collected heap to avoid dangling pointer errors. Also, if a local variable is very large, it might make more sense to store it on the heap rather than the stack.
In the current compilers, if a variable has its address taken, that variable is a candidate for allocation on the heap. However, a basic escape analysis recognizes some cases when such variables will not live past the return from the function and can reside on the stack.
除了在goroutine之间安全的传递数据之外,在看了《Concurrency in Go》之后,感慨channel还有那么多模式可供使用,在个人的学习中总结了以下几种常用的模式
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sync pool使用来存放临时变量的一个缓冲区,但是这个缓冲区并不可靠,每次gc的时候,都会首先清除缓冲区,所以,假如一个slice仅仅存放在 Pool 中,而没有其他地方引用,则会被当成垃圾清理掉。